Cookies Policy

What is a Cookie?

Today, almost every website uses cookies. Like most websites, we use cookies to provide you with a better, faster and safer experience. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your device (for example, computer or mobile phone) when you visit a website. Cookies may be stored on your device through your browser during your first visit to a website. When you visit the same site again with the same device, your browser checks whether there is a cookie stored on your device for the site. If there is a record, it transmits the data in the record to the website you are visiting. In this way, the website understands that you have visited the site before and determines the content to be delivered to you accordingly.

Why Are Cookies Used?

Some cookies enable the website to remember the preferences you used in your previous visits, allowing your next visits to offer a much more user-friendly and personalized experience.
In addition, although the links of third parties on the website are subject to the privacy policies of these third parties, the responsibility for privacy practices does not belong to and in this context, it is recommended to read the privacy policy of the site when visiting the site under the relevant link. 

Types of Cookies

Cookies, whose main purpose of use is to provide convenience to users, are basically collected in 4 main groups:
Session Cookies: These are cookies that allow you to take advantage of various features such as carrying information between Internet pages and systematically remembering the information entered by the user, and they are necessary for the functions of the website to function properly.
Performance Cookies: These are cookies that collect information about the frequency of visiting the pages, possible error messages, the total time spent by the users on the relevant page, as well as the usage patterns of the site, and are used to increase the performance of the website.
Functional Cookies: These are the cookies that remind the pre-selected options for the convenience of the user and aim to provide advanced Internet features to the users within the scope of the website.
Advertising and Third-Party Cookies: These are cookies belonging to third-party suppliers and allow the use of some functions on the website and the tracking of advertisements.

Purposes of Use of Cookies

The purposes of use of cookies used on our site are as follows:
Session Cookies: Session cookies are temporary cookies that are used during our visitors’ visit to the Website and are deleted after the browser is closed. The main purpose of using such cookies is to ensure that the Website functions properly during your visit.

Persistent Cookies: Our site, permanent cookies are the types of cookies used to increase the functionality of the Website and to provide a faster and better service to our visitors. These types of cookies are used to remember your preferences and are stored on your device through browsers. Some types of persistent cookies; It can be used to provide you with special suggestions, taking into account issues such as the purpose of your use of the Website. If you visit our website again with the same device thanks to permanent cookies, it is checked whether there is a cookie created by our website on your device, and if there is, it is understood that you have visited the site before and the content to be sent to you is determined accordingly, thus providing you with a better service. 

Performance-oriented uses: Our site may use cookies that evaluate and analyze the interaction with sent messages and user behavior in order to increase and measure the performance of its systems.

Uses for advertising purposes: Our site may use cookies that measure the effectiveness of these advertisements or analyze the click-through status in order to transmit advertisements and similar content within the scope of the interests of the users over the systems of its own or third parties.

With analytical cookies, they are the cookies that provide the production of analytical results such as the number of visitors to the website, the detection of the pages viewed on the website, the hours of visits to the website, the scrolling movements of the website pages.

Cookies Management

You can configure cookies in your browser’s settings.
Google Adwords
Google Analytics
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer

Controlling and Deleting Cookies

To change your preferences for the use of cookies or to block or delete cookies, simply change your browser settings. Many browsers give you the option to accept or reject cookies, to only accept certain types of cookies, or to be alerted by the browser when a website requests to store cookies on your device so you can control cookies. It is also possible to delete cookies previously saved in your browser. The process of controlling or deleting cookies may vary depending on the browser you use. It is possible to access the instructions for allowing cookies or blocking or deleting cookies for some popular browsers from the links below.

The method of changing the cookie usage selection varies depending on the browser type and can be learned from the relevant service provider at any time.


You can apply to us in the methods and procedures described in this Form regarding your following requests, which are within the scope of your rights listed in Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”).

As a person concerned, you have the following rights within the scope of Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698.

Learning whether personal data is processed or not,
If personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,
Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose,
Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
Requesting notification of the transactions made pursuant to clauses “d” and “e” of Article 11 of the Law, to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
To request the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to unlawful processing of personal data.

You can exercise these rights with the following methods and forms.

Written Application With wet signature personally, through authorized representative or notary channel

2.OSB. 1. Cd. No:41


Relevant information and documents in this form will be specified and necessary will be fulfilled, and “KVKK Related Person Application” will be written on the envelope/notification of the application form.

Registered Electronics

By Mail (KEP)


Registered e-mail

(KEP) address


In the content of the KEP message, the relevant information and documents in this form will be specified and the necessary will be fulfilled, and “KVKK Related Person Application” will be written in the subject part.
Application by Electronic Mail (email) By e-mail created to include mobile signature / e-signature


In the content of the e-mail message, the relevant information and documents in this form will be specified and the necessary will be fulfilled, and “KVKK Related Person Application” will be written in the subject part.If you apply to us in accordance with the procedures and principles set forth in this form; Your requests will be concluded free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on their nature. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be charged.

Our answers will be delivered to you in writing or electronically. Therefore, please specify the channel you want us to reach you and the relevant information as follows.




  I want the reply to be sent to my address below.
TC Identification number  




I want the answer to be sent to my KEP address/e-mail address that I specified below.
TC Identification number  

KEP Address/ E-Mail Address




In order to evaluate your application, please indicate your relationship with the COMPANY by responding to the information below.

Attachment reason


o Customer o Visitor o Business Partner o Reseller o Supplier o Former Employee o Job Application/CV Submitter o Other ……………………

Additional explanation, if any (source of the relationship, unit you are in contact with, date, duration of the relationship, contract, etc.):




In order to evaluate your application to us, please indicate in detail your request within the scope of your rights under Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, which is stated in the first part of this form.








Applicant Relevant Person (Personal Data Owner)

Name and surname :
Application date :
Signature :


This application form has been prepared in order to determine your relationship with the COMPANY for the evaluation and conclusion of your application, to respond to the requests in your application, to determine your personal data as the relevant person, and to respond to your relevant application in a correct and legal time. The COMPANY reserves the right to request additional information and documents for identification and authorization determination within the scope of the application and for the evaluation of the application. Information and documents regarding your requests submitted within the scope of your application must be submitted by the authorized person and must be accurate and up-to-date. In case of an unauthorized application and if it is determined that the information is not correct and up-to-date, the COMPANY will not take any responsibility and in this case, the COMPANY reserves the right to reject the application. The information and documents specified in this form and submitted to us will be processed by the COMPANY limited to the purposes of evaluating, answering and concluding the application made in accordance with Article 13 of the Law. The information obtained within the scope of this form and application may be collected in written, verbal, electronic or physical environment. In line with the investigation carried out within this scope, the relevant information may be shared with the COMPANY and its subsidiaries, as well as with third parties and companies from which services are received, such as a lawyer’s office, in order to finalize the application in question.


Data Supervisor          :     DÖKÜM MAKİNE SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş.
E-mail address : 
Phone: 0422 244 0336

Relevant Person (Personal Data Owner)

Name and Surname                  :
Date :
Signature :